When Vision Boards WORK

Our 6 month trip to Canada was everything we hoped for, and more...
The gifts we found have been plentiful, our values never more clear: honesty, integrity, quality time, love, connection, all of what we hold true as a family have been so perfectly articulated through our daily inspired actions and awareness.   
I "fell behind" in my business, but I've realized if there's one thing worth falling behind for, it's life itself!
Being in the moment. Celebrating. Calibrating. Cultivating. The next level version of ME and what I seek throughout my days in this world - could only be found in slowing down. 
There are so many things that haven't gone to plan...so so so so many!
But through it all, our vision has held strong - because we created it in the first place. My definition of success, even more defined. 
And it all started with one simple act...my vision board. 
In early 2021, during the throws of COVID , when the grief of missing loved ones and desperation of helplessness began to set in, I recreated my vision board.  

I used every "trick" I knew of how to create the perfect board, using my wildest imagination, visualization, FengShui principles, and an arsenal of magazines, photos and words to cast what I so hoped would one day enter my world. 
My husband and our kids played a bit part (of course) and before it was set, I requested their input. My son Bryson even drew a picture of an airplane, complete with our family riding on it and waving out the windows! 
As the months passed, my heart fluttered between hope and despair. But HOPE prevailed...because every time I looked at my vision board, every time I opened my phone, every time I received an affirmation via my calendar, I WAS REMINDED! 
With our trip coming to a close, and our Australian life about to start a new chapter, I feel the drive MORE THAN EVER to support other women to cast THEIR vision! To create it with such crystal clarity, that no matter what - when times get tough, when life gets hard - you, too will have HOPE. And be reminded of the impact, the legacy, that your daily actions will lead you to...
If you believe 🪄
Right now the doors are open for the Vision Creation Retreat , a 4 part, pre-recorded program that you can jump in and start right now!  I'll walk you step by step through casting your vision, creating the imagery, wording and affirmations to match, and support you as we create the most epic vision board for your year ahead! 
You can join us for FREE when you join ASPIRE: The Manifesting Methodology HERE or as a stand alone course for $33AUD. 
There's never been a better time to become clear on what you want most in life, and create some serious magic for your future! 
Creating clarity. Cultivating VISION. 
And acknowledging your LEGACY...it’s what I do 🪄🗝🚪
xx Jenine ~ your Aligned Life Mentor 

50% Complete

Two Step

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